You have Epicor ERP questions?

You have Epicor ERP questions?

Let’s talk about your ERP.

Without any pressure or preconceptions.

It’s just an offer.

If you run a business that relies on Epicor Kinetic or ERP10, or you’re the person within that business responsible for the system, I can be your sounding board for an hour or so, with absolutely no obligation of any kind. Or even if you’re considering implementing an Epicor system.

We’ll charge you (£240+VAT), mostly so you KNOW it’s self-contained, not a way to sell you more services.

Why would you?

Well, I have been there, and run an Epicor ERP in a growing business, so I know what it’s like with the practical pressures and competing advice. META eight Ltd is relatively unusual in the Epicor space in dealing mostly with mature ERP systems, not implementations, so I also see what kinds of things start to cause pain down the line, and what has worked to fix those issues.

We are completely independent, and have no interest in what system you use or what modules you pay for, especially not a financial interest. So I can advise without you suspecting that you’ll end up paying more than you need. We have helped clients in migration away from Epicor entirely when that was what they wanted to do. I have also advised enquiring clients NOT to ask us to do work because I know another option who would be better.

We are focused on Epicor, but have experience in making Epicor work with other systems too, so if you’re wondering whether something else, specialist or “best of breed”, might help you, but worrying about how it might work, I can talk you through the probable trade-offs in practical terms.

Maybe I’d just be a rubber duck, and the value of the conversation is more in me listening to what you say, as you realise things just from having someone to mention them to – that’s often valuable in itself – but if you have Epicor-related worries or questions then this paid-for call is something you can do about them.

With a cast-iron guarantee there will be no suspicion of any sales.