Should We Upgrade to Epicor Kinetic?

Should We Upgrade to Epicor Kinetic?

Epicor ERP10 has turned into Epicor Kinetic.

Whizzy and new.

If you’re already using ERP10, it might feel TOO new. There’s been a lot of fanfare about the whole new interface, new client, entirely fresh ways of interacting with the system.

And a lot of buzz about cloud.

Maybe you quite like your on-premise system, and all the tweaks you’ve made to it, and aren’t sure if you’ve quite got the time to go through a whole new way of doing everything?

I have good news.

As I write, in late 2021, I am working on several different Epicor installations between 10.1 and Kinetic 2021.2, and all the things that might involve more change than you’re ready for … they’re all optional.

Kinetic itself is a nice upgrade from ERP10, no more scary than a point upgrade and a lot less than some there have been.

You can keep using the existing client.

No retraining for a new interface, no finding that the customisations you’ve made don’t work or need re-doing (any more than for a normal upgrade, anyway). You can carry on as you are.

And, for those who are interested, the technical stuff underneath gets better and better. If you do like to customise, there are more and better ways to do it. I’ve enjoyed working with Kinetic, myself.

Kinetic is the way things are going, and it is possible to take it gently. If you do upgrade, it seems possible to dip your toes in to what’s new - anything new may appear in a new form, but that’s OK, because it’s new anyway. What you and your users already know can stay as it is until you’re ready.

It’s up to Epicor to make it worth your while to take the plunge into all that’s new, and in the case of the interface they haven’t really tempted me yet, I confess. But that’s OK. It’s there waiting, and I for one would sooner not get too far behind.